
That first post feeling...

 HERE WE GO AGAIN!!  I am no stranger to writing blogs. I believe this is my fifth or six, between Blogger and Tumblr accounts. I almost didn't set up shop to write tonight, but I willed myself into it because I'm going in here with nooo expectations, this time. If this is a hobby I abandon completely after this post, that's fine. If this becomes another online journal for me, that's also fine. I think I want to be able to share this with my mom friends, and truly- I wish to be an influencer, haha- but because this has been the biggest learning journey of my life. THERE IS SO MUCH THAT GOES INTO RAISING A TINY HUMAN, it's crazy. I knew it would be crazy, but I didn't know it would be THIS sort of crazy.  I'd like to read back on this and remember it is nearly 11pm on a Wednesday night in October. Little marshmallow is in the pack and play beside me, youtube lullablies are playing and I've stopped typing about 10 times to shovel Halloween candy in my mout